MM Booksellers CC

Cancellation & Return Policy

How do I cancel my order?

You can cancel your order online before the product has been shipped. Your entire order amount will be refunded. In case the product has been shipped but has not yet been delivered to you, you may still cancel the order online. Your refund will be processed once we receive the originally ordered product back from the courier. Unfortunately, an order cannot be cancelled once the product has been delivered to you but it can be returned back for replacement.

How long will it take to process a cancellation request?

Once we receive a cancellation request, it will take maximum 48 hours to cancel the order. You will be notified of the same. In case your order has been "Shipped", we may take your cancellation request; however, we shall be able to process refundonce we receive the cancelled items back from the courier.

If you opt for credit as a refund, it will take 2-3 working days.

What is MM Booksellers CC's Return policy?

All products sold on MM Booksellers CCchecked for quality, though they are brand new every possible measure have been taken to make sure they are of desirable quality. We offer easy replacement for all products sold on, under certain conditions which are mentioned below:

  • In case of any manufacturing defect, customers may notify us within 24 hours from the delivery. However, in case of transit damages, the issue has to be reported within 24 hours. After which we may not be able to accept the complaint.
  • We may ask you to share the images of the product and the internal and external packaging material.
  • Once we agree to replace, then we will replace the defective/damaged product with a replacement, in case replacement is not available book with same or less weight will be made available via offline communication.
  • MM Booksellers CCwill try to replace the specific product ordered. However, the company reserves the right to offer an alternate product in case the product is Out of Stock or Discontinued by the manufacturer.
  • Damages due to tear and negligence on part of the customer is not returnable at all.

Following are the terms and conditions for return/replacement:

  • We source branded products and these products are bound by brand policies of exchange refunds and cancellations thereby binding the customer with the same.
  • Products must be in their original condition; how they were delivered.
  • Brand packaging should be intact. Do not paste anything or use any adhesive based tape on the original packaging. If needed, you may put it in a plastic bag and then stick over it.
  • Replacements will be made basis availability of that product on the website.
How will I get a refund for the order I cancelled or returned?
  • Once the resolution is set for refund, we will soon move ahead with the refund.
  • Refund will be done by the same method we received the payment in. In exceptions, we may ask you for the account details.